SEZ "Stupino QUADRAT"                                  6 years old!
November 2023

SEZ "Stupino QUADRAT" 6 years old!

    We have come to this date with great achievements. Our SEZ was recognized as the leader in efficiency among industrial and production zones for 2020 according to the results of the annual report of the Ministry of Economic Development. The work of the SEZ is assessed as "100%".
    We have achieved such high results because each of our employees, investors, partners are involved in a single process of development and movement forward! If the business is successful, then more people are involved in happiness!

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Russia, Moscow region, Shmatovo village, st. Industrialnaya, ow. 4, bldg. 1

+7 (495) 135-18-93
Russia, Moscow, Varshavskoe shosse, 1, BC "W-Plaza"

+7 (495) 135-18-93

+7 (495) 280–14-42

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