The Moscow region proves its investment attractiveness in practice
July 2023

The Moscow region proves its investment attractiveness in practice

The Moscow region proves its investment attractiveness in practice. The stable flow of attracted investors in the 1st quarter of 2023 speaks for itself. Contracts for 3.2 billion rubles of investments have already been signed. Representatives of medium and large businesses submit applications  for the implementation of investment projects in the Moscow region, including  the field of import substitution.
"The implementation of new projects will create about 650 jobs in the Moscow region," -
said Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Investments in Industry and Science of the Moscow Region Ekaterina Zinovieva.
A broad package of regional support measures has been developed for entrepreneurs in the Moscow Region.

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Moscow region
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Russia, Moscow region, Shmatovo village, st. Industrialnaya, ow. 4, bldg. 1

+7 (495) 135-18-93
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+7 (495) 135-18-93

+7 (495) 280–14-42

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